In order to make remarkable achievements and also meet the objective of conducting co-curricular ,our student body, Siddhatha United Master Minds Of Information Technology (SUMMIT) has been constituted for the present academic year with the following members.
- Prof.A.Koteswara Rao HOD Chairman
- Mr.B.L.N.Phaneedra Kumar Faculty Co-ordinator
- Mr.B.Lakshmi Kanth IV/IV IT(A),Y07IT008 President
- Mr.Rishwanth III/IV IT(B),Y08IT080 Vice-President
- Mr.G.Murali Krishna IV/IV IT(B),Y07IT070 Secretory
- Mr .K.Vaishnav IV/IV IT(B),Y07IT116 Treasurer
- Mr.D.Venkatesh III/IV IT(A),Y08IT031 Member
The committee shall meet quite often discuss and conduct the co-curricular and extra activities as many activities to possible to develop all round skills such as, Personality development ,Communication skills ,organizing skills ,programming skills, analytical skills ,etc. regularly to benefit the student of computer science and engineering discipline.
Copy to:All the members to concern
The principle for necessary information
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