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GRE daily 10 words :Day 20


preposterous = ridiculous, illogical
use = a preposterous suggestion

clan = extended family
use = the whole clan came to visit us

iterate = repeat, reiterate
use = I will iterate the warning

flamboyant = Characterized by extravagance
use = a flamboyant gesture

= One who makes eye-glasses
use = *

rhetoric = persuasive use of language
use = election campaign rhetoric

deter = discourage, prevent from happening
use = the security alarm will deter thieves from coming to this park

= speed
use = *

implication = that which is implied or suggested
use = implications of your remark

= Shining
use = long lustrous hair 

file locking & data management ppt


LInux ppt with file locking & data management with memory allocation and so on....


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