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GRE daily 10 words :Day 16


implacable = doubtful, dubious
use = an implacable enemy

 = recede, to fade away
use = He could feel his strength ebbing away

counterstrike = strike back
use = *

acclaim = recognition, fame, praise
use = an acclaimed author

amid = among
use = amid mounds of books

lethargy = indifferent, inactivity
use = *

retiring = modest, unassuming
use = to be shy and retiring

epochal = very significant or influential, defining an epoch or time period
use = an epochal speech by the President

nomenclature = terms used in a particular science or discipline
use = nomenclature of organic chemicals

arrogate = seize without right, to demand or claim arrogantly
use = They arrogate to themselves the power to punish people 


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